Family and Member Care Job Description
- Serve along-side of the Senior Pastor and Elders to help lead Redemption Church to accomplish its mission to Delight in God, Declare Jesus and Disciple all People.
- Assist in Preaching when the Senior pastor is out.
- Assist in Pastoring/Shepherding the church family of Redemption.
- Assist in the Overall Discipleship of the Church.
- Goal - Help lead in the church’s overall discipleship strategy for all people
- Adult Small Groups - Equip, train, and develop Adult Small Group leaders and multiply new Small Groups
- Discipleship conferences and Seminars - Help create and organize special conferences and seminars
- e.g. Parenting and Marriage Conferences
- Assimilation - Lead in the assimilation of every individual and family to their next step in their discipleship growth
- Visitor → Attender → Salvation → New Believer’s Class → Small Group → Membership Class → Service
- Oversee and Care for the church (individuals and families) through the Counseling Ministry.
- Crisis Care
- Addiction Relief Assistance
- Assist with Pre-marital and Marriage Counseling
- Assist families with counseling children and youth
John’s Vision for the Family and Member Care Pastor role
My desire is to see all people come to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, to grow in their walk with Him by the power of the Holy Spirit, and to empower them to share the good news of Jesus Christ so that others can have a relationship with Jesus. My vision is neatly encapsulated by Redemption Church’s Mission statement, to glorify God by delighting in God and by declaring the life-changing message of Jesus and by discipling all people so that everyone can delight in God’s supremacy over all things. All people are on a spiritual walk, whether they have yet to know Christ, have just come to faith, or are seasoned believers in Jesus.
Everyone is important and in need of Jesus. If one is outside of a relationship with Jesus, my desire is to see them come to Him and trust Him. I’d like to see new believers who are hungry for the Word of God grow in their walk. Some believers have been saved for a long time and have not shown much growth. My desire is to challenge them to fulfill what the Lord has for them by using their gifts and talents for God. Others may have a consistent walk evidenced by much fruit and service. I’d like to challenge them to lead others, disciple and mentor others, and share what they know so others can grow, too. The writer of Hebrews explained, “For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God” (Heb. 5:12).
I am aware that the Christian walk will not always be easy. In fact, Jesus said, “I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). My desire is to walk through these tribulations with all people, men, women, couples, youth, and children and counsel them in order to provide the care, guidance, and spiritual direction they need to abide in Jesus, the One who has overcome the world.
Ultimately, I would like to see all people grow in their walk, delight in God, declare Jesus boldly by their life testimony and their words, and to be disciples who make disciples.