Disciple and Care for one another
Redemption Church exists to glorify God by Delighting in God and by Declaring the Life-changing message of Jesus, and by Discipling all People so that everyone can Delight in God’s Supremacy over all things.
One of the ways we Disciple all People at Redemption is through our Small Groups. The two primary roles of our small groups at Redemption are to Disciple and Care for one another. Our small groups provide an opportunity for Discipleship by studying the Bible together and growing in our understanding of God’s Word and how to apply it in our lives. Our Small groups also provide an opportunity where authentic relationships can occur, and every person can be genuinely cared for by others. All of us need one another to grow in God’s Word and we all need to be cared for.
Our Small Groups meet each Sunday at 9:00 am with Small Groups for every age group.
If you would like more information about any of the small groups we offer, and a link to join in, please call our church office (985)882-5682 or Email
John Nogueras (Family and Member-Care Pastor).
A list of our current small groups:
· Preschool (Classes: Infant, Toddler, Pre-k)
· 5-year-olds, K, and 1st Grade
· 2nd - 6th Grade
· CoEd 1 Class (Studying Psalms)
· CoEd 2 Class (Studying 1 Timothy)
· CoEd 3 Class (Studying Acts)
· CoEd 4 Class (Studying Psalms)
· College and Career Class (Studying 1 Peter)
· Men's Class – Meeting at a member’s home Sunday mornings at 9 am.
· JOY Class (Women's 2 - 60's and up)