As a church, we begin every year with a Month of Prayer and the Word. These two foundational disciplines are essential in the life of a believer to keep us grounded in Biblical truth and in touch with our great God. Below are some Bible Reading Plans that you can use as a guide to keep you in the Word every day. I want to encourage you to start your year with the disciplines of some committed times of prayer and time with God in His Word. I believe you will be blessed greatly. - Pastor Byron


Month of Prayer and the Word schedule 2025

Jan. 4 (Sat.) – Ladies Coffee and Prayer – 9:30-11:00 am

Jan. 8 (Wed.) – Fellowship Meal – 5:00 - 6:15 pm

                        -- Night of Worship, Prayer, and the Lord’s Supper - 6:30 - 8:00 pm 

As a church, we will gather on this evening to seek the Lord in prayer and ask Him to do great things for our church and for His name. Gather with us as week trust the Lord to do great things in 2025. 

Sign up for the fellowship meal here:


January 10 (Fri.) – Men’s Potluck Fellowship and Prayer – 6:00–8:30 pm

Location – Church

Join with other men as we seek the Lord in worship and prayer for our families and our church. We will have a potluck, enjoy some fellowship, and then spend time in prayer. 

Sign up here:


Jan. 19 (Sun.) – Prayer in Homes – 6:00 - 7:30 pm

Each year, we gather in different homes across the region to have a time of fellowship and time to pray together. Once you sign up for your location, you will receive an email the week of the event with the host home’s address. 

Sign up here:


Jan. 29 (Wed.) – Night of Worship, Prayer, and Lord’s Supper – 6:00 pm


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