02-16-2020 The Gospel: What it is and How to Share it! Sinfulness of Man: Man is sinful and needs salvation Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Genesis 3, Romans
02-09-2020 General Topics Walking with God Preacher John Nogueras Scripture: Genesis 5:21-24, Hebrews 11:5-6
06-02-2019 Meeting with God Adam and Eve Meet with God Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Genesis 2-4
04-28-2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption God's Call and Covenant with Abraham Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Genesis 12-22
04-21-2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Noah, The Flood, and God's Redemption Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Genesis 6-8
04-14-2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption Redemption, God's Sacrifice, Not Man's Attempt Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Genesis 3
04-07-2013 The Bible: God's Story of Redemption God's Story of Redemption Preacher Dr. Byron Brown Scripture: Genesis; Romans; Revelation